1. Students are required to ride their assigned bus unless they have brought in written permission allowing them to walk, ride their bike, or be picked up.
2. Students may not ride any bus other than their own.
3. Students walking or riding their bikes must have written consent form. This form need to be submitted to the front office secretary no later than noon on the day of the requested change.
4. Bike riders under the age of 16 need to wear a helmet.
5. Students under the age of 18 may not ride in cars other than those specified on the transportation release forms.
6. Students who wish to bring home projects from school must have permission to do so They must fill out the Project Transportation Form (on back of this form) and submit it by noon of the day of the requested transportation.
7. Students who have their driver’ license may drive their own cars to school. They must be on Green level to do so. They also must provide the front office a copy of their driver’s license, registration and insurance.
8. Students who are emotionally dis-regulated and/or are not following staff directions at the time of dismissal may be retained from bus transportation at the discretion of the building administrator for safety reasons. Parents will be notified and other transportation arrangements will be made.